Since the discovery and the use of calendar as an
aid to historical records the world has journeyed through various stages of
reckoning events through time and space.
One of the earliest calendars which have helped
in piloting human history through the millennia is the Chinese calendar which
is supposed to have begun in 2379 B.C. In this Calendar, years are reckoned in
cycles of 60, each year having a particular name that is a combination of two
characters derived schematically from two series of signs, the celestial and the
terrestrial. Months are also reckoned in cycles of 60 that are renewed every
five years and each month consists of 28 to 30 days.
There is also the Jewish calendar used by the
Hebrews which engaged in the reckoning of time from the year of creation as based
on a periodic cycle of 19 years with the 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and
19th year of each cycle designated leap years.
This is followed by the Hindu calendar which
began in about 400 CE. It is Lunar-solar in nature and the Hindus believe so
much in it even till date. In this calendar, the solar year is divided into 12
months in accordance with the successive entrances of the sun into the signs of
the Zodiac, the months varying from 29 to 32 days.
Another calendar is the one called Roman calendar
which is an ancient lunar calendar designating the days of the new moon as the
‘calends’ and the days of the full moon as the ‘ides’ while the 19th day before
the ‘ides’ are designated as the ‘nones’. The original Roman calendar,
introduced about the 7th century BC had 10 months with 304 days in a year that
began with March. Two more months, January and February, were added later in
the 7th century BC but because the months were only 29 or 30 days long, an
extra month had to be intercalated approximately every second year. Thus, the
days of the month were designated by the awkward method of counting backward
from three dates: the calends, or first of the month; the ides, or middle of
the month, falling on the 13th of some months and the 15th of others; and the nones,
or 9th day before the ides. This rendered the Roman calendar hopelessly
confused especially when officials to whom the addition of days and months was
entrusted abused their authority to prolong their terms of office or to hasten
or delay elections.
Pagan origin of Roman calendar
Most of the months in the Roman calendar were
dedicated to various gods of the Romans. The calendar, though got the blessing
of the Christian leadership and was refined by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 CE, as
polytheistic token.
The origins of English naming used by the
Gregorian calendar from Roman idol gods:
January: Janus (Roman
god of gates, doorways, beginnings and endings)
February: Februus (Etruscan god of death) Februarius (mensis)
(Latin for "month of purification (rituals)" it is said to be a
Sabine word, the last month of ancient pre-450 BC Roman
calendar). It is related to fever.[54][55][56]
March: Mars (Roman
god of war)
April: "Modern scholars associate the name
with an ancient root meaning 'other', i.e. the second month of a year beginning
in March."
May: Maia
Maiestas (Roman goddess of springtime, warmth, and increase)
June: Juno (Roman
goddess, wife of Jupiter)
July: Julius
Caesar (Roman dictator) (month was formerly named Quintilis, the fifth
month of the calendar of Romulus)
August: Augustus (first
Roman emperor) (month was formerly named Sextilis, the sixth month of Romulus)
September: septem (Latin for seven, the seventh
month of Romulus)
October: octo (Latin for eight, the eighth month
of Romulus)
November: novem (Latin for nine, the ninth month
of Romulus)
December: decem (Latin for ten, the tenth month
of Romulus)
The Julian calendar
Also in 45 BC, Julius Caesar decided to use
purely solar calendar on the advice of Sosigenes who flourished in the 1st
century. This calendar, known as the Julian calendar, fixed the normal year at
365 days, and the leap year, every fourth year, at 366 days. Leap year is so
named because the extra day causes any date after February in a leap year to
“leap” over one day in the week and to occur two days later in the week than it
did in the previous year, rather than just one day later as in a normal year.
The Julian calendar also established the order of the months and the days of
the week as they exist in present-day calendars. In 44 BC, Julius Caesar
changed the name of the month Quintilis to Julius (July), after himself. The
month Sextilis was renamed Augustus (August) in honour of the Roman emperor
Caesar Augustus, who succeeded Julius Caesar. However, some authorities
maintain that Augustus established the length of the months we use today. The
Gregorian calendar which puts January as the first month of the year was
adopted by England and America in 1752. It is the calendar now commonly used
throughout most parts of the world.
Other calendars
Yet, there are other known calendars which
include the Roman ecclesiastical calendar used by the Catholic sect, the French
revolutionary calendar introduced by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1793, the Gregorian
calendar introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582 CE.
But by far the most authentic of them all is
Islamic Hijrah calendar because of its uniqueness and eventfulness as
authenticated by its clear historical background….…to be concluded next week
Liberman, "On A
Self-Congratulatory Note, Or, All The Year Round: The Names of The Months"
(filed in Oxford Etymologist, 7 March 2007)
Calendar". Encyclopædia
Britannica Online. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc. Retrieved 2008-08-16.
Available online<>
Mythica. Available online at <>
Julius Thomas (1987), Time, the Familiar Stranger (illustrated
ed.), Amherst: Univ of Massachusetts Press, ISBN 0-87023-576-1, OCLC 15790499
Ummah Of South West Nigeria (Muswen), Hijrah New Year Holiday: In Defence Of The
Truth. Available online at <>
Gerald James (2003), What is Time?, Oxford: Oxford University
Press, ISBN 0-19-860781-4, OCLC 265440481
on Gregorian Calendar. Available online at <>
Matthew O'Neil, Time and
the Calendars, Sydney University Press, 1975
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